Thursday, January 29, 2009


Mommy bought him, a cool swimmy, but its not summer, and we still wanted to try it out, and guess what, he likes it!

He enjoyed soaking me and the floor.

He had soooo much fun!

He even got mad when it was time to get out!

*Snow baby.*


So Sweet

Mommy and Baby

Nice and warm playing!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Heaven Sent

I believe everyone you meet, you meet them for a reason, everything is for a reason! Nothing is by accident, just not everyone sees the thing you see.
You meet someone and you just know, but they dont, so you spend all this time giving it everything you got, and it flops, your left heart broken, but its all for a reason. But when you meet someone who turns your life around for the better, and they let you down, that's devastating. In time though everything will work out, its all part of GODS plan, not yours. God bless!

Broken Heart

You pour your heart into it with all you got, hoping and praying things will go as you have dreamed. weeks and months pass, and you give it all you got, strung along like a toy. Truth comes down to it and everything you ever knew and ever thought, and ever hoped for was nothing but a lie, made up so he could feel good. Leaving you with the broken pieces of your heart to pick up and try all over again. You know what I am sick and tired of being treated this way, I am tired of setting myself up, I am sick of cleaning up after him, I am leaving the pieces there, and I am just going to move on. Step over them and grow a new heart from the broken one I have! It will be caged so its not to run free, or be given away, it will be earned. I will stand my ground and be guarded. I am beautiful, I am strong, and I am independent.

Traveling Road

Every mistake is a simple bump in the road. You stop and observe it then you keep going. If your smart you take note and make sure its not to happen again, but if your not carefull and dont pay attention you will hit another and crash into a terrible event.You will go off track down an uncertain path, with unknowns. Spiraling further and further from your destination, but with help, you can come back. Dont be stupid, pick up your map, read it and follow it, dont give up, its only 1 mistake, there are plenty more where tat came from and there will be planty more thrown at you. What will you do, stop and think or speed along? ive made some mistakes, yet sometimes ive sped threw, only to get further away from where I was heading. Now Ive stopped, taken note, and continued my pathway. Even when you know something is wrong, yet you ignore it, dont, youll veer off course, but is it for the good? Could it now be right though it was wrong before? Could it be another bump in the road? Foloow your heart, and whatever happens weather good or bad, will be a lesson. Just go, and live.


To love someone is to give it all to them, at all cost, whatever the price, you will pay it. Its not jealous, mean, spike full, selfish, nor does it hurt! Love is just being there, its from the heart, that overwhelming feeling, that you cant be without that one you love. That every touch, ever kiss, every second is just amazing. Love is forgiving, love is foolish, and blind, love doesn't see the bad only the good, and when bad is done, love sees past it. Love is tender, and is to be cherished, love needs to be feed and nurtured like a newborn, it cant be neglected or set on the back burner. Love should NEVER be let go, in hopes of its return, you don't know what might happen. Love with all your heart never hold back and never let go, give your life for love, if it means to give up everything, then I will be first in line to give all I have! Love and be Loved!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wrong way

Sorry, I had to delete my last post due to the fact that some PEOPLE took it personal, that was not my intention, it was a simple expression to state that even adoptive parents are "mommy's & Daddy's" it was taken the wrong way! Anyway, Ill will post a new blog soon! Take care and GOD BLESS!