To love someone is to give it all to them, at all cost, whatever the price, you will pay it. Its not jealous, mean, spike full, selfish, nor does it hurt! Love is just being there, its from the heart, that overwhelming feeling, that you cant be without that one you love. That every touch, ever kiss, every second is just amazing. Love is forgiving, love is foolish, and blind, love doesn't see the bad only the good, and when bad is done, love sees past it. Love is tender, and is to be cherished, love needs to be feed and nurtured like a newborn, it cant be neglected or set on the back burner. Love should NEVER be let go, in hopes of its return, you don't know what might happen. Love with all your heart never hold back and never let go, give your life for love, if it means to give up everything, then I will be first in line to give all I have! Love and be Loved!