Monday, December 8, 2014


Whoa!!! What a whirl wind 2014 has been. Divorce, yup I said it, divorce is happening, we are at the end of that road, closing old books, and starting new ones. It hasn't been easy at all, divorce is a terrible, awful, thing, it is painful, a roller coaster from hell. But in the end, freeing, a journey in which you learn so much about yourself, your ex, your family, friends, and those whom you have shared so much of your life with. You grow, and change, at least I hope one would when trekking through divorce. I would never recommend divorce, I'm not advocating it either. I will however, advocate information on abuse, what abuse is, how to spot it, how to leave it, how to help yourself and others, keep in mind people who are not ready, or willing to accept it, simply wont, and you will be the bad guy for poking your nose. Gentle truths, that's all you need.

Focus on becoming a happy healthy person, let go of the unimportant,  do some soul searching.