FAMILY. When you say family most people think of, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, well you get me. Well Over the past year I have been adopted into a new family, then it made me realize what a family really is. I have worked for the same place for 3 years now, they are my family, reason being, if I ever need anything, they will be there, they have always been there, they love me, they care about me, and support me. When I have messed up big, they were still there, and I will be there if they need me, they are my family. I was adopted into my new family (no I didn't get married or anything like that) this past year through friends I made. I meet Alex and he and I hit it off we are best friends, then he introduced me to his sister and her husband, Faith and Eric, time went on and we made it a ritual to have American Idol night. I was still pregnant so it worked well, every Tuesday I would go to their house, we would watch AI, after dinner, and dessert. When it ended I would go home, and then the following night we would attend church, and go back to there house to watch the second portion of the show. Then the day my water broke I was shopping with Faith, but didn't say anything, that night(note it was a high leak, so it stopped leaking when I stood back up) we went to her house she made spaghetti, and I made cupcakes. Then I started having contraction she asked if I was ok, and I said I was fine (ok I lied I wasn't feeling up to par) I left and sent her a text saying I wouldnt be in church for the Easter Cantata, she asked why, and I told her, that night I drove myself to the hospital, and at 2 am, she came to be with me, she was there (along with 1 other friend, and my mother) for the birth, and kept Dylan for me when I went back to work. So I have been adopted, anything they were doing as a family, I was there too, because they considered me family. This thanksgiving, I was so thankful for my new family, because as my parents do every year, they left the day before, and went to the mountains, so Dylan, and I had thanksgiving with Faith, Eric, Alex, Memaw, Poppop, Teresa, Ronnie, and Aunt Linda. I will never forget this thanksgiving, and I'm so grateful to have so many people love my and support me, my family.
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