Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today is day 1 of my acutane, accutane is a serious acne drug, you absolutely shud not get pregnant while taki.g it! The past 4 weeks I have suffered from anger, nausea, vomitting, and a ruptured ovarian cyst just from the birth control I'm requited to take! (you see I don't do so well with BC  we aren't friends.)

So anyways, I jumped through the hoops to start this stuff, and I took my first dose (40mg capsule of the generic amnesteem) at 10am and it's 10pm now, I have had a migraine all day, and have been feeling nauseated since 6pm. :( it will all be worth it in the end.

My dr has me takeing 10 40mg capsules a week, he said start off the first 2 days taking 1 capsule, then pick 3 days in the week and take 2  capsules on 3 days. We wil se how I do and I wil keep posting. % wil also keep a photo blog going too. I will post before pictures in a day or so, and update maybe weekly prolly monthly....... I'm curious to see how my skin progresses. :)

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